Megakit will simply change your outlook on what a theme can do. Including 5 amazing demo options that speeds up your workflow in several ways. Clean codebase with major performance enhacements and many more...

Main Features:
- Corporate Demo Option
- App Landing Demo Option
- Lawyer Demo Option
- Event Demo Option
- Clinic Demo Option
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Compatible with Bootstrap 4
- Bootstrap Grid
- Fast Performance
- Touch Swipe Support
- 2 Header Options
- Fullscreen menu
- Stick Header
- Sass: Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets
- Cubeportfolio (worth $16)
- Gulp Automated Tasks System
- High Quality, Pixel Perfect Code (BEM Code Structure)
- Reusable Codes
- 100% Responsive
- Parallax Integration
- Google Fonts
- Pricing Table
- Magnific Lightbox
- On Scroll Animations
- 3 Theme Color Styles
- Full Height
- Vertical, Horizant Center Aligns
- Predefined Code Classes
- Minified Files
- Smooth Scroll
- Video Background
- Swiper Slider
- Masonry Grid